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최종 수정일 : 2023-07-07 13:26

사이버한국외대 우수강의 교과목을 소개합니다.
Introduction to presentations in English
  • 담당교수 : Joshua Hollis 교수
  • 학부 : 영어학부
교과목 소개

This course will build students’ confidence and knowledge of how to plan, write, and present a public speech or presentation. Additionally, this course will broaden students’ understanding of English through the context of presentational speaking. Understanding these strategies for planning, writing, and giving a speech is an exceptionally useful skill for both persona; and professional settings.
This course will be particularly useful for students planning to interview for or work at a multinational company in the future, as well as for those students who are interested in building their public speaking confidence.
First and foremost, this course is designed to be a presentational speaking course, with English as the sole medium of instruction. This course will present vocabulary, writing strategies, practice strategies, and speaking strategies to help students prepare and give presentations successfully.

집필진 소개
학력 사항
  • M.Ed in General Education, Liberty University (Lynchburg, Virginia)
  • BA in Cross-cultural Studies, Bethany College (Bloomington, Minnesota)
  • TESOL Certificate of Educational Studies, The College of Teachers (London, U.K.)
경력 사항
  • 7 years as Coordinator for the Texas A&M University Korea EDU Center (Seoul, Korea)
  • 1 semester as an intern at Mississippi State University’s ELI Center (Starkville, Mississippi)