최종 수정일 : 2021-11-29 10:37

정규 TESOL 석사학위 · TESOL수료증 이미지
Master’s Degree in TESOL and TESOL Certificate
  • Only cyber graduate school where it is possible to simultaneously earn a master’s degree and TESOL certificate online
한국인-원어민 교수진의 수준 높은 공동 강의 이미지
High Quality Joint Lectures by Korean and Native English-speaking Professors
  • Creation of synergy through joint, high quality lectures from Korean and native English-speaking professors
  • Advanced 1:1 support from tutors holding master’s and doctorate degrees
이론과 실무를 융합한 차별화된 커리큘럼 이미지
Systematic Curriculum to Strengthen Theory and Practice
  • Differentiated English education curriculum that integrates theory and practice
  • Cultivation of students’ English teaching skills through video lectures and debates in real time
글로벌 플랫폼과 뉴테크놀로지를 활용한 교수 · 학습 이미지
Learning through Global LMS Platform and New Technology
  • Provision of online educational content using the latest multimedia and an individually customized learning environment
  • Establishment of a differentiated online campus system through the Global LMS Platform
  • Realization of an efficient online learning environment through a real-time video system
혁신 트렌드를 반영한 콜로퀴엄 및 특강 이미지
Colloquiums and Lectures
  • Regularly hosted colloquiums by expert speakers, presenting the latest trends in English education
  • Efficient blended learning through the provision of lectures throughout the semester in conjunction with online classes
다양한 장학금과 학생지원 프로그램, 조기졸업제도 이미지
Various Scholarships, Student Support Programs, and Early Graduation
  • Academic support through diverse scholarships, including the Education Expert Scholarship
  • Support for participation in international academic conferences, overseas language training, and overseas cultural experience programs
  • Comprehensive guidance and advice from Korean and foreign professors
  • Early graduation program to reduce the required semesters from five to four